Tuesday, April 04, 2006

the tide of eyes

i am broken open on the
rocky coast of our desire
new filled with your fingers
your smell clinging
barnacle stubborn
to my mouth inside my nostrils
my breathing washes you
in and out in and out
i am greedy with your breath
as you sleep close
inside you inside me is never
quite close enough
i woke with my head in the
small of your back
your eyes change like tides
i will drown trying to drink
the ocean of you
i offer myself like Shelley
for your storm
take my guts as the
seabirds feast on fish
i am vulnerable stripped
of the hard shell
my mediocre past
sunblasted and burnt through
with your kiss
your heat your hair
i wade into pools of you
up to my breast
unbalanced by the tow of your
foam spent on your shore
i listen to the rush and recess
of you

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