Friday, April 21, 2006

hysterisis (3/2005)

would that there were some sterile
well practiced procedure to follow
carefully removing desire
i vote it be called something
resembling hysterectomy
removal of the womb
seat of longing
hysteria so like desire in its fervor
the inexplicable driving us together
and then apart
leaving no clean way to extract 
and discard the pieces of my life
that feel soiled
atrophied by your self righteous rewrites
your anger rings false
sharp notes predicated on
you as victim
which, in turn, rests on a dynamic
of you as sincere
of me as less than
i feel baited and barbed
too foolish to follow good sense and walk away
smugness creeps onto the backs of words
each time i find your references
and how hollow i am standing
in the cold dialing the pay phone
wishing you would appear
i put down the receiver
and disconnect

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