Sunday, October 02, 2011

dance. lingual.

variations in masculinity
overwhelmed the senses
bodies moving isolations blips and explosions
surreally independent revolutions of each section
head shoulders chest hips knees wavering through
this animated architecture
parts leading in improbable directions
floating... slowed... down
broken satellites challenging each other reacting responding

sometimes one body approached another
begging - be flexible - only to be thrown
back to the floor mightily
all at once i thought of julia child
flipping the potato pancake
to have the courage of one's convictions
trusting that as one's head leads
to the floor knees buckling
the soft part of a thigh will be just there
at the crook of the neck
just at the right moment

when the cable of light came loose from the edge of the stage
snaking its way around the floor
bullwhipped each time a body scuffed over it
anticipation rose setting our teeth on edge
waiting for how some disaster might play out
that winding strand of glow became the punctuation
in every move thereafter
dancers continued effortlessly
missing the cord - even running backwards full tilt
helicopter flips thrown bodies propelled
into brief flight

© e. e. stanley 2/6/2010

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