Monday, August 29, 2011

not original

turned the corner
past a window of one of the run down garden apartments
into breeze
sharp tinged like cooked carrots and mildew
this idea is not original
that the surface can remain still
and the view, beautiful
no indication of the inverse mountain
of grief quietly drifting below
last night's dream of S.
dislodged some piece worn thin
fracturing off even after years
gone since our varying goodbyes
the splash of its surfacing
welling up as i drove us to work
but not spilling over

© e e stanley 2010(?)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

dream. lover

(i will fall for the enemy)
you and i set out in an elaborate game of intrigue
trailing this gangster... a young mafioso
sending him
a message
i cut pieces of his car away with delicate scissors
in broad daylight
in front of his strong men
then i missed the getaway car and was left to confront him
his languid form, olive skinned and eyes deep
we were at a series of pools
shaded by great concrete archways
like highway overpasses
spring fed, shallow tiled lagoons
i was wearing a long shift
a party dress
my underwear already halfway down my thighs
i was trying to get them back up as he approached
i wasn't sure whether this water was for washing or drinking
and then i stepped in
just lay back in the water
he laughed
i floated... quiet
amazed because it was so shallow in the first lagoon
barely the depth of my shins
the waters all connected and soon i was caught in a current
unexpectedly strong
whirling me, eyes closed, in a great circle
i reached out my hand
uncertain if he would take it and pull me in
he did and then we were in a recess together
like a wide bath for two
you appeared, looking in over the edge
i was taken by his skin, by my want
i looked into your eyes
"i want the enemy as a lover.
is this something you can allow me?"
you nodded solemnly
i looked into his eyes
"i want you but i will never leave her
is this ok with you?"
a grin spread slow and crooked on his lips
but our intimacy evaporated
we saw a rival thug settling into a nearby pool
now i needed to defend his escape
to keep violent reprisals at bay
my lovers fled
i crawled up over this looming man's body
peered through dark sunglasses
and whispered
"stand down"
he was amused
we danced a game of aggression
colored to appear as diplomacy
he was physicality & force & schadenfreude
i taunted him while staying this side of the lines drawn between us
there was no peace, only waiting
until one of my gestures went too far
he rumbled upward into displeasure
heavy fingers drumming on a table in a darkened kitchen
i woke without satisfaction

8/16/11 e.e. stanley